Earth Care and People Care: Principles for Purposeful Living (online)

When: June 15, 2022

When we slow down to connect with Mother Earth, the water, soil, plants, and animals, we can learn to live well while taking better care of the communities around us. In this participatory session, we will explore how to apply principles from the natural world to our own lives. With intention and care, we find opportunities to deepen our values, to foster healing, and to nurture well-being through the choices we make every day.

At the Great Gathering of the Life Givers:

Call to life givers. CALLING TO ALL HUMANS ON EARTH.
We women hold a deep desire for change for future generations.
For us, the life givers, the time is now.
Humans of the Earth, we are called to stand up, together, and take responsibility for the future of our children.
We have the aspiration to gather all nations to share our Wisdoms together and honor our relationships for the good of all.
Get involved:

Great Gathering of the Life Givers


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