Edible & Medicinal Plant Tour


Learn about the many food and medicine plants in our garden that come back year after year.  Learn how we prepare them for food or medicine, and how we manage the plants.



  • over 100 species of perennial plants for food and medicine in our garden
  • tour of the garden and visit the plants
  • some highlights include: goji, nettles, fiddleheads, beetberry, daylilies, lambsquarters, hablitzia, Good King Henry for cooked greens; salads with dandelion, sedum, sorrel, 5 kinds of perennial alliums (onion family), mallows, garlic mustard, Lady's thumb, purslane, oxalis, plantain, curly dock, reseeding chard, kale, turnip and radishes; berries like currants, elderberries, wild strawberries and raspberries; cinnamon yam, sunchokes, daylilies and burdock for potato-like veggies; lemon balm, catnip, mint, bee balm, chamomile and ground ivy herbal teas; oregano, thyme and mullein tinctures; birch sap; black walnut nuts and more...

Read about our 55+ Favourite Plants for Edible Forest Gardens in Ontario and Québec.



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